Resources for Parents

5th Grade EdCamp

On November 28th and December 6th, the fifth grade will be hosting its first EdCamp. This morning of expert lectures, EdCamp style, is an opportunity for parents to share their passions and expertise with students.

Eight parents will be scheduled to give a 30-40 minute talk on any topic of their choosing. It could be about his or her career, or an area of interest that our fifth graders would find engaging; the only requirement is a PASSION for area of expertise. In addition, it’s important for students to hear about obstacles that may have presented themselves and how they were overcome. These stumbling blocks of life help children learn how people deal with real problems, and gain the understanding that what might be considered failure by some, becomes opportunity to others.

On each day there will be eight sessions that fifth graders will be able to sign up for ahead of time. Parents who are giving the talks will be required to submit their topic and a short blurb for marketing purposes. Talks should include some sort of visual aide and time for Q&A.

Class moms will be reaching out soon for volunteers